Shieldcoat Roof Coatings comes with a 10 year manufactures warranty.

We are approved applicators of the Sheildcoat Roof coating system. These coatings are New Zealand made and have been especially formulated; using top quality polymer technology and UV stable pigments to cope with New Zealand’s very special conditions, providing long-term durability and a good looking roof for years.

See our range of roof painting colours as below. We match to all the popular colours. If you cant find the colour below then we can still make it for you. Our team offer expert advice to assist you with matching your roof colour with any existing paint. Some colours will incur a tint charge.Our dedicated professional coating applicators practice best techniques and use the best coating application systems. All work is carried out in such a manner to protect your property and with less amount of disruption to you and your family.


Titina CS

Titina CS

Salt Spay CSR

Gul Grey CS

Sandstone Grey CS

Slate CSR

Ternstyle CS

Grey Frairs CS

Hupuka CSR

Monument CS

Slate CS

Tlunder Grey CS

Caper CSR



Flaxpod CS

Ebony CS

Wndsor Grey CS

Storm Blure CS

Pacific BIue CS

New Denim Blue CS

Lignite CS

Scoria CS

Chilli CSR

Pioneer Red CS

Saffron CSR

Desert CSR

Terracotta CS 

Ivorie CS 

Straw CS 

Lichen CS 

Mist green CS 

River gum CS 

Permanent Green CS 

Karaka CS 


Our Director has been contracted to paint roofs around Auckland for 10 years and has a lot of experience in height safety. Reliant Roof Painting Auckland comply with the latest safety regulations that require edge protection and harnesses to be warn when walking on any roof. Our sales team have been in the industry for 30 plus years and have progressed from painting roofs, to quoting and selling our services.

Get a free roof inspection!